
 二十多年前簽下William Gibson’s 神經喚術士和阿伊朵時,作者的版權代表建議也簽All tomorrow’s parties——阿伊朵的後續發展,因此也買下版權。但後來基於可以想見的原因,意興闌珊,書約中止,樣書束之高閣。


前幾日大整理又找到了All tomorrow’s parties,翻到當年的小遺憾,於此彌補。


And he is (in bad shape 延續上段所寫), of course, but that seems, against the flood of data flowing Nile-wide and constantly through him, from inner horizon to inner horizon, scarcely a concern.


Laney is aware now of gifts without name. Of modes of perception that may never have previously existed.  

He has, for instance, a directly spatial sense of something very near the totality of the infosphere.


He feels it as a single indescribable shape, something brailled out for him against a ground or backdrop of he knows not what, and it hurts him, in the poet's phrase, like the world hurts God. Within this, he palps nodes of potentiality, strung along lines that are histories of the happened becoming the not-yet. He is very near, he thinks, to a vision in which past and future are one and the same; his present, when he is forced to reinhabit it, seems increasingly arbitrary, its placement upon the time line that is Colin Laney more a matter of convenience than of

any absolute now.


All his life Laney has heard talk of the death of history, but confronted with the literal shape of all human knowledge, all human memory, he begins to see the way in which there never really has been any such thing.


No history. Only the shape, and it comprised of lesser shapes, in squirming fractal descent, on down into the infinitelv finest of resolutions.


But there is will. "Future" is inherently plural.



在記憶力喪失前,在執著消散前,在內心的嚴審者制止前,在懶散發作前,在興致自冷前,在想像被現實擊破前,再寫上一段晚明流連大半輩子所見明光,一日一花,生動活潑的人,因為我活著,他們復生。 紙本著作《某代風流》《印象書》《想像書》《十七世紀廢址》 Freedom to informed imagination 敬請賜教 17chinenoire@gmail.com
